Green Infra: Spatial Customer Prospecting

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Customer prospecting is the life-blood of many organizations. However, when it takes on a spatial perspective customer prospecting can be very time-consuming. Previously, Green Print Partners, a B-Corp that uses Green Infrastructure to transform communities, was relying on Google Earth and drive-by site visits to do initial customer prospecting. This was costing the small organization time and money. So they made an investment in my company Tabuale Spatial, to do customized analysis and application development.

I cut down their customer prospecting time by developing a customized web application. First, I determined the permeability of each parcel in St. Louis County (MO). Then we added additional land-use, demographic, and spatial information (such as distance to a school) for each parcel. This was added to a customized web app where the team could filter based on things like zip code, percent permeable, distance to schools, and tax status. The user could then tag parcels for additional analysis or a site visit.

This project enabled the Green Print Partners team to leverage spatial data and reduce their customer prospecting time significantly.


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April 21, 2020